We believe in using the latest technology to serve our clients. To this end, we have installed modern and current office word processing systems with modern hardware with frequently used software employed to speed work, both in documentation and research. We are proficient in word processing in Microsoft Word, Star Office Word, Word Perfect, Word Star and Apple Works if word processing with these programmes are required and have on retainer, a soft ware programmer.
Our dedicated call center to call institutional client’s debtors and defaulters is already operational and can be called on, subject to an account being open with us for its use for calling your debtors before going legal.
We currently communicate on-line via broadband (streamyx) with Astro, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, Maxis, Standard Chartered Bank, American International Assurance Berhad and CIMB Bank Berhad for their pre-legal and legal debt recovery matters referred to us. A dial up connection (jaring) is still maintained as a back up to the broadband access in the event of broadband outrage.