1. Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad v Sykt. Gunung Tujuh Sdn. Bhd. & Others [1990] 1MLJ 198 & [1989] 1 LNS 119 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on procedure/banking law)
2. Jamir Hassan v Kang Min [1991] 2 CLJ 773 (Rep), [1991] 3 CLJ 2490, [1992] 2MLJ 46, [1991] 1 LNS 41 and appeal update [1992] 2MLJ 1- Mr. Arthur Lee (on procedure/contact & negligence)
3. Chong Siew Chiang v Chua Ching Geh & Anor [1992] 4CLJ 1839 also [1995] 1MLJ 551, [1991] CLJ 173 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on defamation/tort) [1992] 2 CLJ Rep 259
4. Soo Lina v Ngu Chu Chiong (Chong Oi Khium Irene, co-respondent) [1992] 2MLJ 870 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (on family law/divorce) [1994] 2 MLJ 139, [2003] 1 LNS 490, [2004] 5 CLJ 77
5. Ling King Mee v Mon Chu Teck [1993] 3MLJ 140 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong [1993] 4 CLJ 57
6. MBf Finance Bhd. v Ting Kah Kuong & Anor [1993] 3MLJ 73, [1993] 4 BLJ 61and appeal update [1995] 2MLJ cviii – Mr. Arthur Lee (on re-financing/banking law) [1993] 3 CLJ 492
7. Re: Udos Ak Riging Exparte: Seabanc Kredit Sdn. Bhd. [1994] 3MLJ 383, [1994] 3 CLJ 377 & [1994] 1 LNS 217 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on procedure/bankruptcy law)
8. Tiong Hung Ming v Kalimatan Hardwood Sdn. Bhd. [1994] 3MLJ 656 & [1994] 1 CLJ 412 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on procedure/sale of goods law)
9. Soo Lina v Ngu Chu Chiong (Chong Oi Khium Irene co-respondent) [1994] 2MLJ 139 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (on family law/divorce)
10. Chong Siew Chiang v Chua Ching Geh & Anor [1992] 4CLJ 1839, [1992] 2 CLJ 259, [1995] 1AMR 1 & [1995] 1 CLJ 173 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on defamation/taxation of cost)
11. Public Prosecutor v Chieng Ung Kai [1993] 1 CLJ 74 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (Criminal Law/Customs Offences)
12. Basri Bin Ali & Affendi Bin Ali v Public Prosecutor [1994] 1 LNS 243 (also [1994] MLJU 96) – Mr. Arthur Lee (Criminal procedure/bail)
13. Pn’g Sai Choo & Others v Saw Keng See & Another & Third Party [1994] MLJU 480 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Civil Procedure/Intervener)
14. Forward Metal Works Sdn. Bhd. v Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak
[1995] 1 LNS 66 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (Land Law/Contract)
15. Ha Oi Yan @ Ha Oi Yun (F) v M/s Betong Development Sdn. Bhd. & 4 Ors.
[1996] 1 LNS 20 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (Contract)
16. Public Prosecutor v Hii Sii Chang [1997] 1 LNS 436 & [1998] 6 MLJ 249
– Mr. Arthur Lee (on criminal procedure/common gaming offence/limitation)
17. Hardwood Timber Sdn.Bhd. v Chee Sing Timber Corporation S/B [1997] 1 LNS 286 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Sale of Goods/Contract)
18. Townlink Collection Centre Sdn. Bhd. & 2 Ors. v Kewangan Utama Berhad
[1997] 1 LN 383 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Hire Purchase)
19. Public Bank Berhad v Kuching Phamarcy Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [1998] 2AMR 1458 & [1998] 1 LNS 117 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on banking law/negligence)
20. Cecilia Chang Choon Lian v Asia commercial Finance (M) Bhd. [1998] 4 CLJ 465
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Hire Purchase)
21. Lee Phoot Leong v Asia commercial Finance (M) bhd. [1998] 1 LNS 568
– Ms. Aryati Zainudin (Hire Purchase)
22. Woodsmart Sdn. Bhd. v Chee Sing Timber Corporation Sdn. Bhd. [1998] 1 LNS 626
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Sale of Goods/Contract)
23. Eng Cheng Teng v The Official Assignee [1998] 1 LNS 81
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Bankruptcy/Probate and Trustee)
24. Lo Nyuk Lin v Susanna Marjoribanks [1999] 3MLJ 341, [1999] 1 LNS 132 &
[1999] 1 LNS 346 – Ms. Aryati Zainudin (on probate/distribution) [1999] MLJU 35
25. Wah Tat Bank Bhd. v Tiang Nguok Yiing (f) & Ors. [1999] 1 LNS 229 – Ms. Lin Kueh Hong (Banking)
26. MBF Finance Bhd. v Wui Ling Timber (Bintulu) SB & Anor [1999] 1 LNS 241 – Puan Aryati Zainuddin (Hire Purchase)
27. Eric Chan Thiam Soon v Sarawak Securities Sdn. Bhd. [2000] 4AMR 3784, [2000] 4MLJ 399 & [2000] 4 CLJ 464 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on securities/contract law)
28. Novelpac-Puncakdana Plantation Sdn .Bhd. v Anchih Ak Buap & Others [2000] 4MLJ 524 & [2000] 1 LNS 75 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on native custody rights claim/land law)
29. HSBC Bank (M) Bhd. v Wui Ling Timber (Bintulu) Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2000] 8 CLJ 197 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Banking)
30. Diethelm (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. v Kuching Pharmacy Sdn. Bhd. [2000] 1 LNS 25 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Sale of Goods) [2000] MLJU 41
31. Goh Sing Chua @ Goh Siam Shua v Seabanc GE Capital Sdn. Bhd. [2001] 1 LNS 11 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Hire Purchase)
32. Government of Sarawak v Seabanc GE Capital Sdn. Bhd. & Other cases [2001] 1 LNS 53 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Factoring)
33. EON Bank Bhd. v Jafuong Plywood Corporation Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. [2004] 1 CLJ 473 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Banking) [2002] MLJU 211
34. Hock Hua Bank Berhad v Siaw Khoi Joo [2004] 1 LNS 375 & [2005] 1 AMR 639 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on strata title law/land law)
35. Buang Joon Sdn. Bhd. v The Superintendent of Land & Surveys, Kuching Division [2005] 2CLJ 910 & [2005] 4AMR 437 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on compulsory acquisition/land law) (Land Law/Reference) [2005] MLJU 218
36. Demak Motor Corporation Sdn. Bhd. v Moi Fong @ Moi Bee Fong [2005] 6 AMR 221 & [2005] 7 CLJ 352 [2006] 7 MLJ 504 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on procedure/Companies Act)
37. Lembaga Pembangunan Dan Lindungan Tanah (Land custody And Development Authority) v Crystal Realty Sdn. Bhd. & Anor [2005] 1 LNS 195 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract)
38. Re Tan Hui Guan, deceased (Phang Siew Fa v Aw Kim Siok) [2006] 3 MLJ 663 – Mr. Arthur Lee/Puan Sumirati Binti Sudarjo (on probate/dependency claim) [2006] 3 MLJ 663
39. Teo Ah Khing v Yii Chee Ming [2006] 2 CLJ 188 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Tort/Defamation)
40. Phang Siew Fa v Aw Kim Siok [2006] 6 CLJ 25 – Mr. Arthur Lee (on Probate/Dependency Claim)
41. Affin Bank Berhad v Wood House Sdn. Bhd. [2007] 2AMR 11 – Puan Siti Emiliana Edmund / Mr. Arthur Lee (on banking/foreclosure proceeding)
42. Voon Jan Choo v Lee Chie Siang & Anor [2007] 9 CLJ 242 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Tort/Negligence)
43. Lembaga Pembangunan Dan Lindungan Tanah (Land Custody And Development Authority) v Crystal Realty Sdn. B hd. & Anor [2007] 1 LNS 440 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract)
44. Sarawaja Sdn. Bhd. v Wekajaya Sdn. Bhd. [2007] 1 LNS 538 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract) [2007] MLJU 667
45. Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Bhd. v Ting Kah Kuang [2007] MLJU 594
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Banking)
46. Albert Chong Kok Kheong v Mui Continental Insurance Bhd. [2008] 2 LNS 1639
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Industrial Court/Claim for unfair dismissal)
47. Ngo Muk Lan v The Sarawak Press Sdn. Bhd. [2008] 2 LNS 2128
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Industrial Court/claim for unfair dismissal)
48. Mohd Omar Lopez @ George Anthony Lopez v Emily Batu Bagang & Anor
[2008] 1 LNS 265 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract)
49. E & E Modular System Sdn. Bhd. v Utama Kekal Sdn. Bhd.;
Pembinaan Masrafan Sdn. Bhd. (Garnishee) [2008] 4 CLJ 637
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract/Execution Procedure)
50. Chai Voon Phin v Yung Kong Credit Croporation Bhd. [2008] 1 LNS 848
– Puan Siti Emiliana Bt Mohd Edmund (Hire Purchase)
51. Hassanuddin Abdul Ghaffor v Pelita Holdings Sdn. Bhd. [2009] 2 LNS 0687
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Industrial Relations/claim for unfair dismissal)
52. Tan Hock Heng v Demak Motor Corporation Sdn. Bhd. [2009] 2 LNS 1404
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Companies Law/minority action)
53. Wan Mazali Haji Wan Hadi v Yap Nyuk Min [2009] 1 LNS 456 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract/Debt)
54. Sagakayu Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. v Tenaga Insurance Behrad & Anor [2009] 1 LNS 467
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Contract)
55. Lau Kiong Ming v EON Bank Berhad [2010] 2 LNS 0439
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Industrial Relations/claim for unfair dismissal)
56. Tan Tiong Pan v Mechunma Sdn. Bhd. [2010] 2 LNS 0723
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Industrial Relations/claim for unpaid salary)
57. Supermix Concrete (East Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. v Wekajaya Sdn. Bhd & Ors. [2010] 1 LNS 757 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Sale of Goods)
58. Cheow Teow Cheng v Lafarge Associated Pan Malaysia Cement Sdn.Bhd. [2010] 2 LNS 1293 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugam for Respondent (Industrial Court)
59. Shankar RP Asnani (Advocate & Solicitor, A Sole Proprietor Practising under the Name And Style of Messrs THOMAS, SHANKAR RAM & CO) v Vestime Corp Sdn Bhd & Anor [2012] 7 MLJ 198
– Mr. Arthur Lee (Advocate and Client contract)
60. Masa Anak Nangkai & ors v Lembaga Pembangunan Dan Lindungan Tanah & ors [2011] MLJU 196 – Mr. Arthur Lee (For 1st & 2nd & 3rd Defendants) (Land Law/NCR)
61. Air Marketing Asia Pcific PTY LTD v Damai Puri Resort & SPA Sdn. Bhd and anor [2011] MLJU 207 – Mr. Arthur Lee for Plaintiff (Contract)
62. Supermix Concrete (East Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd v Wekajaya Sdn. Bhd & ors [2010] MLJU 753
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Respondents (Contract)
63. Public Prosecutor v Wan Kian Nyap [2010] MLJU 1832
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Respondents (Criminal Law/Immigration)
64. Colleen Jee Siaw Ling @ Jee Wan Ling V Walton International Property Group (M) Sdn. Bhd [2010] MLJU 1892
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Appellant (Judicial Review/Industrial Relations)
65. Wan Mazali Bin Haji Wan Hadi v Yap Nyuk Min (The Sole Proprietor Trading under the style and Firm Name of Syarikat P. Radiah) [2009] MLJU 412
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Plaintiff (Contract)
66. E & E Modular System Sdn. Bhd v Utama Kekal Sdn. Bhd. & Pembinaan Masrafan Sdn. Bhd. (Garnishee) [2008] MLJU 89
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Garnishee (Procedure Execution: Garnishee Proceeding)
67. Lawrence Bayang v. Daiken Sarawak Sdn. Bhd. Industrial Court, Sarawak Award No. 1764 of 2011 [Case No. 8/4-423/10] 1 December 2011
– Mr. Arthur Lee for Respondent (Industrial Relations)
68. Canjaya Sdn. Bhd. v Lembaga Pembangunan Dan Lindungan Tanah [2011] 1 LNS 1481 – Mr. Arthur Lee for Defendant (Contract/Execution/Stay of Execution)
69. Leslie bte Mohd Omar (f) & Another v Rozina bte Omar (f) & Others [2012] MLJU 1398 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Company Law)
70. Lim Koon Chow v Ambank (M) Bhd [2012] MLJU – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugam for Judgment Debtor (High Court of Malaya) (Bankruptcy)
71. Oon Hoon Wah v NobelGlobal Sdn. Bhd. & Ors. [2013] 1 LNS 745 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugam for Defendants (Companies Law/S181 Winding Up)
72. Edico Utama Sdn. Bhd. v Syarikat Sesco Bhd. [2013] 1 LNS 932 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for Defendant ( Civil Procedure/Injuction)
73. Sebiro Holdings Sdn. Bhd. v Bhag Singh & Anor [2013] 1 LNS 1394 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for Plaintiff (Arbitration/Appointment of Arbitrator)
74. Goh Wee Khian & Others v Public Prosecutor [2013] MLJU 555 – Mr. Arthur Lee (Criminal Law/Murder)
75. Jais Bin Chee & Others v Superintendent of Lands & Surveys Kuching Division [2014] MLJU 128 – Puan Siti Emiliana Edmund / Mr. Arthur Lee for the Appellant (Land Acquisition)
76. Loh Shiiun Hing v Kurnia Insurans (Malaysia) Berhad [2014] MLJU 296 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the Respondent (Marine Insurance, Merchant Shipping)
77. Kartinee Bujang v Malaysia Airlines System Berhad [2014] 2 LNS 0886 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the Respondent (Industrial Court, claim for unfair dismissal)
78. Ismail Abdul Rani v Koperasi Koperkasa Sarawak Berhad [2014] 2 LNS 0844 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the Respondent (Industrial Court, claim for unfair dismissal)
79. Liew King Kong v Siaw Kit Leong [2014] 1 LNS 1042 – Puan Siti Emiliana Edmund for the Defendant (Contractor Law )
80. John & Partners Construction Sdn. Bhd. v Y & G Corporation Bhd. [2014] 1 LNS 401 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for the Plaintiff (claim for fraudulently trading Companies Law)
81. Oon Hoon Wah v Global Waste Recovery Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 1 LNS 323 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for Applicant (Companies Act / Removal of Liquidators)
82. T.G. Saujana Sdn. Bhd. v Ting Ai Choon @ Ting Ai Choong [2015] MLJU 0295 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for the Plaintiff (claim for specific relief)
83. TR Hillary Chukan Ak Briak & Orthers v The Enrich Timber Sdn.Bhd. & Orthers [2015] 1 LNS 1010 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the 2nd and 3rd Defendants (Land case/NCR)
84. Noble Global Sdn. Bhd. & Anor v Oon Hoon Wah [2015] 1 LNS 764 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for the Plaintiff (Companies Act/action against liquidator)
85. Chung Ted Fook v Demak Motor Corporation Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 2 LNS 0661 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the Claimant (Industrial Court, claim for unfair dismissal)
86. Government of Malaysia v Pembinaan Masrafan Sdn. Bhd. [2015] 1 LNS 687 – Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for the Defendant (Income Tax)
87. Sebiro Holdings Sdn. Bhd. v Bhag Singh & Anor [2015] 4 CLJ 209- Puan Parameswary A/P Shanmugan for the Plaintiff (Arbitration, removal of Arbitrator)
88. Lembaga Pembangunan Dan lindungan Tanah (Land Custody And Development Authority) & Anor v Masa Nangkai & Others and Another Appeal [2015] 1 LNS 101 – Mr. Arthur Lee for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Appellants (Land case/NCR)
89. TH Pelita Sadong Sdn. Bhd. & Anor v TR Nyumn Ak Jami & 2 Others [2017] MLJU 1524
90. TH Pelita Sadong Sdn. Bhd. v Luking Ak Uding & 2 others and other related Appeals – [2016] 2 MLJ 783